Delta-T Commissioning


Commissioning is the systematic process of an independent third party that facilitates the required communications, documentation, coordination, testing, and verification of equipment and systems. This ensures that a building and all its HVAC, DDC/EMS automatic temperature controls, electrical systems and components perform as intended at optimum energy efficient levels. 
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In today's complex buildings, Delta-T's commissioning program exceeds requirements of US Green Building Council (USGBC), and the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC). Delta-T's approach to building commissioning ensures the facility owners and O&M teams move into fully functional buildings with a well trained O&M Team to assume operations. Delta-T's archiving group provides the useful electronic documentation of the buildings, systems, O&M manuals, shop drawings, and video taping of the O&M training, so that future staff can be quickly trained.


Retro-Commissioning is a systematic, documented process used in exisiting buildings to identify operational and maintenance improvements needed in the building HVAC, DDC/EMS, and Electrical components and systems to return the building systems back to the design intent and to reduce energy consumption.

Delta-T's approach to retro-commissioning is not only to identify issues to return systems back to the original design intent and reduce energy consumption, but to also train the O&M team on procedures needed to maintain equipment and systems. Retro commissioning can also be used to determine whether or not your outsourcing supplier is properly caring for building systems.

Continuous or Constant Commissioning

This process methodically identifies and corrects system problems to maintain optimal performance of a previously retro-commissioned building; it shall include regular measurement and comparative analysis of a building's energy data over time.


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